“I believe that the values of a community stand strong by where they put their resources. I ask the governor and the legislatures to put resources where our values really are, and that is with the elders.” – Cami Peterson-DeVries
Yesterday, Cami Peterson-DeVries, VP of Senior Services and Christine Bakke, Regional Director, advocated for our organization and all of the MN Senior Living industry.
What can you do?
There is still time to take action by contacting your Representative. Next week, legislators are returning home to their districts. This means many of them will be hosting community town halls or forums to engage with constituents.
If you don’t follow your local senator and representative on social media or subscribe to their newsletter, please consider it. Those channels will provide information on when, where, and how to participate.
Please make time to attend, and ensure they know seniors must be part of One Minnesota. Their caregivers need $1 billion over four years to raise wages by $5 per hour.
If you are unable to meet with your representatives, please send them a letter, by following this link: https://www.leadingagemn.org/get-involved/take-action/?vvsrc=%2fcampaigns%2f103210%2frespond